Right at THIS moment, i have 99 bloglovin' followers. WELCOME everyone! Please check out my sponsor tab i would love to have your button on my blog! I had three small ad spots available, get with me and lets show ya off :)
I am leaving late tonight to go to my parents for the weekend with Tevis. Tevis is really ify on leaving our house all by itself for two full days, but we have friends watching over it, so i know it will be okay. My baby niece will be here in about a month, So we are throwing Haley a baby shower Saturday. Look at a little preview of maternity pictures, My brother ACTUALLY smiled and Haley is glowing! Taelynn Lea Snyder is going to be her name :)
I will be busy tomorrow and Saturday, so not post until next week. I cant wait to show you all pictures of her baby shower! I am paying for a photographer to do all the work for us. Less stress!
Tuesday was a bad day for my poor hunny bunny! Tevis uses his walker at night to "hop" around and get from the bed to the bathroom. Well sadly he fell 3 mornings ago, what a terrible thing to wake up to at 530am. big loud CRASH in the bathroom..i immediately ran to the bathroom and asked if he was ok and needed a pain pill. He landed right on his "stump" as we call it, he was sorta in tears and just rocking back and forth, I FELT SO BAD FOR HIM! He has fallen once before and it was worse, so he went back to the bed and went to sleep with no pain pill and was fine rest of the day, well apparently the pain didnt sit in until yesterday, he was ok enough to mow the grass and then it was ALL OVER. His leg was killing him..he needs to go see his doctor again about his sore on his leg, and of course his doctor is on vacation until july 2nd. Wednesday was a MUCH better day for him he was able to walk and we bowled. I hate when he has "bad days" we sadly have MORE bad then good! :(
So Wednesday was a good day I said, i will show you WHY!
I had to get my hair cut again, it hasn't been very long since my last one, but it was SOOO uneven. Tevis's step brothers girlfriend cuts hair, SO BOOOOM hook up on a hair cut. It is shorter then i would go, but problem is fixed and more layers were added! I am getting it colored soon.
We purchased our new flooring today, WAHOOO! kitchen, laundry room, two entry ways, and two bathrooms will have new flooring. I cant wait to show it off to you!
After we got home from Menards & bowling on Wednesday, i came home to MAIL! My Summer swap package arrived. We got partnered up with someone and had to buy a beach towel and little fun stuff to go with it for a beach day or pool day. I love my stuff. My partner was Catherine and she did an awesome job! I had fun shopping for her and cant wait til she sees what she got tomorrow. Go check her out, she has a great blog to look at and great daily posts!
& then to end our Wednesday, I made a NO CARB dinner and decided to surprise Tevis with some oatmeal rasin cookies(his fave). I waited til we were done with dinner to bake them so we could enjoy them warm and with a glass of milk! THEY HIT THE SPOT!
I hope everyone has a great weekend. You must follow me on instagram, when i don't post on here, you will ALWAYS see me on there!