I was chatting it up with Alicia, Brew Mama, complaining because I had no idea what to write about for today. Its Halloween and first thing i should have thought of was something for Halloween, but just not an option. I am not passing out candy now, trick or treating not moved because of weather. Delaney is with her mom, we didn't carve pumpkins, I didn't bake anything, haven't dressed up in years. Basically i am being a Halloween Debby downer.
So instead I thought i would get a little serious and sentimental on the blog today!
I have started and stopped a blog multiple times in the past couple of years! I started "Lady Luck" back in February and have been an active blogger ever since. I started off with the wrong mind set about blogging, i wanted a lot of followers, a lot of page views, people to pay to be on my blog as a sponsor. i got involved in A LOT OF giveaways just to get followers. So now i have just over 300 followers on bloglovin' and I know hardly any of them READ my blog and COMMENT.
I slowly but surely figured out that is not what i wanted to do with my blog. I wanted to be able to write and share about my everyday life and meet new people. Once i finally got the correct mindset, i started meeting some amazing bloggers, made some true connections and have developed some awesome friendships.
I do not work(for now), just go to school full time and I have a lot on my plate with other things so blogging and my blogger friends are my escape from the world or a place i get vent and not be judged. I just got a whole new make over of my blog and i am loving it, it makes me feel so much better about my blog and I just want to show it off!
I love blogging, i have my loyal readers and so enjoy doing my weekly link ups i do. I love signing up for swaps and getting things in the mail from other readers. Blogging has most def. changed my life and for the better, i will continue to do it until i just have no heart left in it and i don't see that happening anytime soon.
Thank you so much to those who read and enjoy reading about my everyday life, i am a random blogger and love to share, sometimes too much, but that's just who i am! I will always be real and honest!!
Hope everyone has a great Thursday and a Happy Halloween!