Friday, November 1, 2013

The Lovely 5 on Friday Link Up

Wahoo it is Friday, i am more then thrilled that this week is basically OVER. 

I sure hope everyone had a dry and fun Halloween and your kiddos got you lots of candy :) 
Around here we knew we were getting bad weather so trick or treating got pushed to Friday night. Maybe i will go get some 50% Halloween candy and pass it out :) 

I am linking up like usual on Fridays, 5 on Friday, its a popular link up! 

- So my Halloween consisted of going out to lunch with my hunny, taking a test, and finishing up homework. I am not gonna lie i was in a down mood most of the day. We didn't have Delaney so no fun stuff with her or anything fun for Halloween period. Like i said i was working on homework most of the day, LAME.
all these books for one ASSIGNMENT. blah

- So i almost died last night, Tevis left around 6pm for dinner and then his usual Thursday night bowling, and he doesn't get home til 1am. I already knew there was a bad storm coming through so was on edge. I am sitting here doing home, the lights start flickering(like a scary movie), then it got REALLY WINDY, tevis texts me and says lights are out where he is at, and then i hear tornado sirens!! I save my homework and start freaking i plug my phone in to make sure i get as much battery as possible light some candles just in case and call my mommy crying LOL. I can laugh about it now. I froze and didnt know what to do, she calmed me down from having an anxiety attack or panic attack, told me to turn on the news and if it gets worse get in the bathtub. Luckily tevis texted me and said he was coming home. PHEW. see i almost died LOL. 

- My anxiety has been through the roof last few weeks, i am not sure whats triggering it. I am not sleeping again at night and during the day that's all i wanna do. The other night i had a really bad night and decided to drink some bedtime tea at 2am. This stuff relaxed me enough to close my eyes. Do any of you ladies experience anxiety? What do you do to control it or take care of it? I stopped taking my meds because they make me too dizzy and too sick to my stomach. 

- I am excited about this weekend, lots of big things happening and you'll all find out soon enough. We are headed to my parents house for family photos and so i can snuggle with my niece. My mom had Taylin Halloween night and she sent me some pictures. Hate being so far away from her and not being able to see her as much as my mom does, but you better believe i will cherish my time with her this weekend. 

- I need tips on clean eating and how you cut out pop. I have brought pop back into my life after having it outta my life for 1-2 years :( I want to eat clean because it will help my GERD and it will overall help me feel tons better! I have been wanting to do a cleanse, but don't have that kinda money right now. I NEED SOME HELP!!!! I want to get on the right path to eating better.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!! Stay tuned for some awesome pictures and big news!!  

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  1. I struggle with really severe anxiety and I won't lie, I'm not very good at dealing with it. I can't fall asleep until 3 in the morning (or later!) and having to be up at 8-9 with my 2 year old makes for some rough days where I get barely anything else done. I think I need to start taking my anxiety medicine at night to knock me out and hopefully re-wire my schedule. That's really scary about the tornado siren too! We don't get tornadoes where I live but I still live in constant fear of them!

  2. I wonder if you can get different meds? Ones that don't make you feel,sick? I do have anxiety, but not for long periods of time. I think I'm too high strung, and not sure if meds can help me! Lol! I very rarely have good sleeps, and I guess I'm just settling on not sleeping now. It sucks. I hope you get it sorted out., and I totally would have freaked if I heard tornado sirens!! Crap! I'd have pooped my pants!

  3. Anxiety sucks. I know I probably need meds but I never go to the doctor. I really need too. We can work on the clean eating together. I'm craving a diet pepsi tonight ..BAD. Your niece is so adorable, but I will miss you when your gone this weekend and next.

  4. Well I gave up soda too... But I have a 2 liter in the fridge and I'm the only one drinking it :( it's a horrible habit!! I need to stop too. I think we should definitely do breakfast smoothies together and also try to get rid of soda. I know we can do this. I'll be messaging u a bunch of smoothie recipes lol
