Monday, March 11, 2013

Take one Day at a time, Britney!

I am having one of those days where I am over thinking things, worrying about things that I cannot control right now and stressing over stuff that we have unanswered questions too. I needed my good cry which I GOT. Talked to Tevis about everything, we did not have a good afternoon but everything is ok I am ok and I gotta take one day at a time. Having so many unanswered questions is killing me but as long as I have Tevis to go down this road with I am going to be okay. I seen this bible verse down below on Facebook and it literally spoke to me So I am sharing. Someone out there is having a worse time in life then I am. I need to sit back and remember all the things I have and how good I have it. I love my life, my friends, my family, Tevis, & Delaney. Life will be okay and each day is closer to us moving into our own house! I hope Everyone had a better MONDAY then I did.

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done."
--Philippians 4:6

much love, XoXo! 

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1 comment:

  1. I love that verse :) Awesome!
    You are such a special person in my life, and I am glad to have you! Keep your head up... love you and always here for you!!
